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Maggie's Swansea (Non Macmillan)

Maggie's Swansea (Non Macmillan)

Information and support centres

Maggie’s supports anyone who has been affected by cancer, including friends and family. We provide emotional and psychological support using networking and therapeutic groups. Our clinical psychologist can provide 1:1 therapeutic support (on an appointment basis) while our cancer support specialists are available daily for emotional support. Our cancer support specialists are experienced oncology health care professionals such as nurses, radiotherapists, and occupational therapist. We have a benefits advisor who can support people who may have money worries or may need help completing benefits application forms such as PIP and blue badge. Our evidenced based programme of support runs throughout the month and includes sessions such as , tai-chi, nutrition, relaxation and expressive art therapy. Maggie's does not have a referral process, or catchment area. If you would like to visit Maggie's, just come in. If you are not local to the centre you can call or email us.

  • Opening times:

    Monday to Friday 0900 - 1700 (except Bank Holidays).

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